C# Sample Cache with timeout

public enum CacheEventType
public class Cache<K, V>
  public const int CheckInterval = 1000;
  private int _timeoutSeconds;
  private SortedList<Timeout, K> timeouts = new SortedList<Timeout, K>();
  private Dictionary<K, V> items = new Dictionary<K, V>();
  private Timer timer;
  private object locker = new object();
  public delegate void CacheEventHandler(object source, CacheEvent<K, V> e);
  public event CacheEventHandler changed;
  public Cache(int timeoutSeconds) : this(timeoutSeconds,CheckInterval){}
  public Cache(int timeoutSeconds, int checkInterval)
    this._timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;
    timer = new Timer(PurgeCache, "Cache", checkInterval, checkInterval); //purge cache
  private void PurgeCache(object data)
    lock (locker)
      for (int i = timeouts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (timeouts.Keys[i].IsExpired())
          K key = timeouts.Values[i];
          V value = items[key];
          FireCacheEvent(key, value, CacheEventType.REMOVE);
          break; //don't need to loop further
  public void Put(K key, V value)
    Put(key, value, _timeoutSeconds);
  public void Put(K key, V value, int timeoutSeconds)
    lock (locker)
      timeouts.Add(new Timeout(timeoutSeconds), key);
      items.Add(key, value);
      FireCacheEvent(key, value, CacheEventType.ADD);
  public V Get(K key)
    lock (locker)
      if (items.ContainsKey(key))
        return items[key];
      return default(V);
  public bool Contains(K key)
    lock (locker)
      return items.ContainsKey(key);
  private void FireCacheEvent(K key, V value, CacheEventType type)
    if (changed != null)
      changed(this, new CacheEvent<K, V>(key, value, type));
public class Timeout : IComparable<Timeout>
  private readonly DateTime exitTime;
  public Timeout(int seconds)
    exitTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(seconds);
  public bool IsExpired()
    if (exitTime < DateTime.Now)
      return true;
    return false;
  public int CompareTo(Timeout timeout)
    return timeout.exitTime.CompareTo(exitTime);
  public override string ToString()
    return exitTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss");
public class CacheEvent<K, V> : EventArgs
  private K _key;
  private V _value;
  private readonly CacheEventType _type;
  public CacheEvent(K key, V value, CacheEventType type)
    _key = key;
    _value = value;
    _type = type;
  public K Key
    get { return _key; }
  public V Value
    get { return _value; }
  public CacheEventType Type
    get { return _type; }
//Sample Form with TextBox & ListBox that allows you to add items to cache
//and shows you the current content of cache
public partial class Form1 : Form
	private Cache<string, string> cache = new Cache<string, string>(5);
	DataTable itemsDT = new DataTable();
	public Form1()
    this.itemListBox.DataSource = itemsDT;
    this.itemListBox.DisplayMember = "Item";
    this.itemListBox.ValueMember = "Item";
    cache.changed += new Cache<string, string>.CacheEventHandler(cache_changed);
  void cache_changed(object source, CacheEvent<string, string> e)
    if (this.InvokeRequired)
      this.Invoke(new Cache<string, string>.CacheEventHandler(cache_changed), new object[] { source, e }
        DataRow row = itemsDT.NewRow();
        row["Item"] = e.Value;
      else if (e.Type == CacheEventType.REMOVE)
        DataRow[] row = itemsDT.Select(String.Format("Item='{0}'", e.Value));
  private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
      if (!cache.Exists(itemTextBox.Text))
        cache.Put(itemTextBox.Text, itemTextBox.Text);                    


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