Setup Scala with SBT in IntelliJ IDEA
Download Dependencies
- Download IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (10.0.3) - Download Scala (2.8.1 installer) - Download SBT (0.7.5)
- Setup SBT according to this page (Launching Sbt section) - Add Scala/SBT plugins to IntelliJ IDEA
- Go to File/Settings/Plugins, choose Available tab, right click on Scala plugin and click on 'Download and Install'. Do the same for SBT plugin.
- Restart IntelliJ IDEA
- Go to File/Settings/SBT and set location of your SBT jar file and if you're on windows behind firewall add proxy info to vm params (-Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy_server> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy_port>)
Create Project
- Create new Folder ScalaProject
- Run sbt command from that folder, choose 'y' to create new project (Name: ScalaProject, Organization: test)
- Configure sbt-idea plugin ( - you only need to do it once
- From sbt prompt run the following (including * character)
> *sbtIdeaRepo at
> *idea is com.github.mpeltonen sbt-idea-processor 0.4.0
> update
- From sbt prompt run the following (including * character)
- Create idea project files
> idea - Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
- Configure scala plugin file for sbt-idea
- Create directory ScalaProject/project/plugins
- Create new file Plugins.scala in ScalaProject/project/plugins folder
import sbt._
class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {val sbtIdeaRepo = "sbt-idea-repo" at ""val sbtIdea = "com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea-plugin" % "0.2.0"}
- Configure sbt project definition file
- Create directory ScalaProject/project/build
- Create scala class file ScalaProject in ScalaProject/project/build folder
import sbt._
class ScalaProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with IdeaProject {val scalatest = "org.scalatest" % "scalatest" % "1.3"}
- Refresh project files
- Launch SBT Console (bottom of the screen) and press Run (green arrow)
- From SBT prompt run the following
> update
> clean
> compile
> idea - Reload the project
Hello World example
- Create new scala class HelloWorld in src/main/scala
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]){println(hello)}def hello:String = {return "Hello World!";}}
- Create new scala test class HelloWorldSpec in src/test/scala
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
class HelloWorldSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {"Hellow World" should "show Hello World" in {HelloWorld.hello should equal("Hello World!")
Testing Hello World example
- Launch SBT Console to run the examples
- From SBT prompt run the following
> run (searches for classes with main(args) method and executes them)
> test (searches for test classes and execute them)
> ~test (runs tests continuously as soon as it detects changes), press ENTER to exit
Enjoy Scala!
This seems like a good tutorial for beginners
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